
The Meaning of independence for Me

Independence  is essentially  a fundamental  right  of  every  human  being.  Since man  is  born , he  has been independent  and  "colonized"  to raise . It  is  a reality  that  is  not  terpungkiri.  We  can only  give  permahkotaan  meaning  of  independence , when  we  are  able  to  actualize  and  maximize  all  the  potential  that  exists . If  we  can  not  be  "free"  because  we  will  continue  to  be  colonized  desire , will  and  feeling  selfish.  Keterbelengguan  also  descry  when  we  push  each  other  for  various   reasons . We  can  only  be  free,  if  we  can  put  all  the  problems  in  its  portion . Not  to  say  that  we  are  not  independent,  because  the  reality  is  clear , we  are  free  from  the  shackles  of  the  invaders , but  if  you  and  I  have  been  truly  free  from  the  shackles  of  life.  If  the  answer  is  not , then  we  still  have  to  continue  to  fight against  the  invaders  disguised  in  each  of  us  personally.
 Honesty , hard  work  and  sincerity  every  person  in  the  work , serve , serve  and  build  up the  motivation  independence . How  far  do  we  interpret  the  in dependence , is  up  to  ourselves  to  answer . No  one  knows  better  when  we  have  independence , If  we  are  not  sure  whether we  really  have  freedom  or  not . It's  just  criticism  and  a lawsuit  to  encourage us to better understand the meaning of independence that has hard-fought until culminating in the August 17, 1945. What and how the meaning of the Declaration of Independence carving to 65 RI in 2010 for students, see the following description. Preliminary  Venturing   description,  as  God's creation,  we  must  as  all  citizens  of  Indonesia  to offer  our  praise  and   thank sgiving  presence  of  Almighty God,  because  thanks  to  his protection we  have   liberated  from  colonialism.  Anniversary  of  the  Proclamation  has  led  the  Indonesian  nation  enters  the  age  of  65.  At  the  same  time , all  the  components   of  the  Indonesian  people  bowed  their  heads  and  say a prayer to God the Merciful,  is associated with various human tragedy, especially natural disasters, socio-economic  catastrophe in the form of poverty, underdevelopment, chaos, hunger, inequality  of urban and rural infrastructure . As fellow children of the nation equally miss the peace,  tranquility and happiness in life, of course we also feel deep concern over the conditions and circumstances that heartbreaking. May God the source of all life deign to grant all our prayers and hope, that the brothers and sisters who are experiencing a disaster given the strength and fortitude and consolation, to get up to start their life activities as usual and  to our brother who died world in an unspeakable tragedy it would get a decent spot on the side of God.
The next we need to pay tribute and say thank you to all the abundant elements of Indonesian society, which has been paying  attention  and  actively  participate   in and promote the prosperity of the nation, as well as participation in the celebration of the anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, whatever the form of participation and participation no matter how big it is .
Each of our proclamation commemorating  the  moment August 17, 1945, we are reminded to reflect on how noble services of the   fighters and the nation's founders. The fighters and the nation's founders retain their soul  for the sake of the dignity of this nation. Therefore, as the next generation of their fighters ,  we should consciously participate in filling this independence.

Independence  is essentially  a fundamental  right  of  every  human  being.  Since man  is  born , he  has been independent  and  "colonized"  to raise . It  is  a reality  that  is  not  terpungkiri.  We  can only  give  permahkotaan  meaning  of  independence , when  we  are  able  to  actualize  and  maximize  all  the  potential  that  exists . If  we  can  not  be  "free"  because  we  will  continue  to  be  colonized  desire , will  and  feeling  selfish.  Keterbelengguan  also  descry  when  we  push  each  other  for  various   reasons . We  can  only  be  free,  if  we  can  put  all  the  problems  in  its  portion . Not  to  say  that  we  are  not  independent,  because  the  reality  is  clear , we  are  free  from  the  shackles  of  the  invaders , but  if  you  and  I  have  been  truly  free  from  the  shackles  of  life.  If  the  answer  is  not , then  we  still  have  to  continue  to  fight against  the  invaders  disguised  in  each  of  us  personally.
 Honesty , hard  work  and  sincerity  every  person  in  the  work , serve , serve  and  build  up the  motivation  independence . How  far  do  we  interpret  the  in dependence , is  up  to  ourselves  to  answer . No  one  knows  better  when  we  have  independence , If  we  are  not  sure  whether we  really  have  freedom  or  not . It's  just  criticism  and  a lawsuit  to  encourage us to better understand the meaning of independence that has hard-fought until culminating in the August 17, 1945. What and how the meaning of the Declaration of Independence carving to 65 RI in 2010 for students, see the following description. Preliminary  Venturing   description,  as  God's creation,  we  must  as  all  citizens  of  Indonesia  to offer  our  praise  and   thank sgiving  presence  of  Almighty God,  because  thanks  to  his protection we  have   liberated  from  colonialism.  Anniversary  of  the  Proclamation  has  led  the  Indonesian  nation  enters  the  age  of  65.  At  the  same  time , all  the  components   of  the  Indonesian  people  bowed  their  heads  and  say a prayer to God the Merciful,  is associated with various human tragedy, especially natural disasters, socio-economic  catastrophe in the form of poverty, underdevelopment, chaos, hunger, inequality  of urban and rural infrastructure . As fellow children of the nation equally miss the peace,  tranquility and happiness in life, of course we also feel deep concern over the conditions and circumstances that heartbreaking. May God the source of all life deign to grant all our prayers and hope, that the brothers and sisters who are experiencing a disaster given the strength and fortitude and consolation, to get up to start their life activities as usual and  to our brother who died world in an unspeakable tragedy it would get a decent spot on the side of God.
The next we need to pay tribute and say thank you to all the abundant elements of Indonesian society, which has been paying  attention  and  actively  participate   in and promote the prosperity of the nation, as well as participation in the celebration of the anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, whatever the form of participation and participation no matter how big it is .
Each of our proclamation commemorating  the  moment August 17, 1945, we are reminded to reflect on how noble services of the   fighters and the nation's founders. The fighters and the nation's founders retain their soul  for the sake of the dignity of this nation. Therefore, as the next generation of their fighters ,  we should consciously participate in filling this independence.

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